Saturday, June 6, 2009

OK. I need graduation cards and retirement cards, so I tried to come up with something clever and of course, couldn't do it on my own. Then I tried to case Heather's cards and couldn't get them right either. These are the 4 cards I finally came up with. Not as nice as Heather's, but they'll have to work. Graduation is in about an hour....if I can get myself ready to go. I may just take Tyler and drop him off..(he's playing in the Band). Actually I guess that's what I will do....he just told me he has to be ther 45 minutes early.


Golly said...

I think these are great. If only Bandon would change their school colors to Pink and Brown or something a little more "card friendly" Maybe some Purple or something. You did well with the Black and Gold. Good Job.

DJ said...

wooo whoo! So glad you have a blog now so I can keep up with you :-) Love the blog name. Very cute! And adorable cards too!

DJ said...

Me again... I've tried posting on Aunt Kay's blog three times and each time it vanishes when I hit post. Give her a hug and tell her I love her blog and her cards ok?

Ramie said...

Very cute, Mary. Sorry you weren't at graduation, because I was and would've loved to see you! (It was incredibly hot and LONG, though, so I decided I may not be going to see my final two Bandon classes graduate!) =)

Heather said...

These are seriously awesome! I LOVE them!! Awesome job!

Unknown said...

Hi! Thought I would check-in! on the blog! Wanted to read fellow homeowner stories, but--OH MY LORD. This post made me incredibly nauseated...

Are you scared to be alone at home need security